"There is so much to experience in Nyborg"

There is so much to experience in Nyborg

In Nyborg you will find a wonderful water park near the motorway exit, beautiful beaches and forests, countless stately homes such as Holckenhavn with art gallery Rostgaard, Ørbækminde, Lykkesholm, Ulrikkeholm and Nyborg Castle with fortification area, museums in Nyborg, Mads Lerche and the museum at Nyborg Castle. You can fish with a fishing license from the beaches and purchase day trips for fishing on the Great Belt in Nyborg Harbour.

Minigolf i Kerteminde, Sct. Knuds Golfbane, Johannes Larsen Museet, Vikingemuseet Ladby, Farvergården, Borgmestergården, Toldboden, Høkeren, Museumsskibet Rylen and Hindsholm Egnsmuseum in Kerteminde.

On the stroke in Nyborg - is a history leaflet of the Battle of Nyborg in 1659, where we won the battle against the Swedes. The brochure with instructions are available free of charge from the Tourist Office Adelgade 3 in Nyborg.

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Søebjerggaard Bed and Breakfast • Gitte og Aksel Damsgaard • Nyborgvej 32 • 5540 Ullerslev • Telefon +45 65 36 11 35 • Mobil +45 29 66 13 35