"Contact to Søebjerggaard BB"

Contact to Søebjerggaard BB

Gitte og Aksel Damsgaard
Nyborgvej 32
DK-5540 Ullerslev
Telefon: +45 65 36 11 35
Mobil: +45 29 66 13 35

We will be very glad if you will contact us by phone, as we are not experienced with computers and emails. We would like to talk to  our guests. If we are not at home, you can leave a message on our answering machine and leave your phone number - then we will contacts you as soon as possible.

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Søebjerggaard Bed and Breakfast • Gitte og Aksel Damsgaard • Nyborgvej 32 • 5540 Ullerslev • Telefon +45 65 36 11 35 • Mobil +45 29 66 13 35